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Historical encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Morgan County

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Peter Akers

…and humility, combined with his impressive and massive physique, united in making him the most powerful preacher in the West when in the meridian of his years. He was as remarkable for his modesty and humility as for his distinguished abilities. He never sought ecclesiastical preferment. He was sent as a delegate from his conference to eight General Conferences, and usually the first of the delegations. At one of those conferences he came within one vote of being elected a Bishop of the Church. He was one of the committee of nine in the memorable General Conference of 1844, when…

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Drury Township, Illinois

…while luxuries were not thought of. All settlers were neighbors, although they might be miles apart. All were on a common level as to mode of life and largely as to resources. All were “homey handed sons of toil.” Their opportunities for mental growth and culture were of their own creation, and evolved from their own individualities. Nature was their teacher and nature’s lessons were well learned. In those early days there were no schools for the children, no churches, no doctors, no mills, no stores, no roads, no bridges; just the rich soil, groves of timber, pure air and…

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of Dr. Simon Peter Breed of Wyanet, Illinois

…it, and has made it a model farm. Although not a member of any church, order or fraternity, he is opposed to none provided they bear the test of being a benefit to mankind. He has always been a friend to the poor and especially during the war, he not only assisted the families of the soldiers by his services as a physician, but his purse was ever open to them, and many kindly words of sympathy did he write to those in the field. Source: History of Bureau County, Illinois, H. C. Bradsby, Editor. World Publishing Company Chicago 1885…

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Charles J. Searle Oration

…to be fully completed by November 1, 1896. From all indications, it will be a grand and stately structure, an ornament, and the pride of the county for generations to come, and commensurate with the needs and demands of the county. It will perhaps remain the seat of justice of the county for a century. In it will be repeated, only on a large scale and in a more multifarious form, the history of the old court house. In it the county’s affairs will be hereafter conducted, justice will be administered, rights secured, guilt punished, innocence vindicated; the constitutional rights…

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Stark County Illinois and its People vol 2

Biography of Hon. Cyrus Bocock of Bradford, Illinois

…among the powerful companies with which his committee was concerned was the Pullman Company. He is an exemplary member of the Masonic fraternity, being identified with Bradford Lodge, No. 595, A.F. & A.M., of which he had served as secretary for twenty-one years, when he resigned that office in 1914. He is also affiliated with the Knights Templar commandery at Princeton, Illinois, and the Eastern Star, and is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which lodge he has filled all of the chairs. His life has been a long and honorable one filled with accomplishment along…

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Black Hawk Forced to Sign the Treaty

…in the march of the troops.” When the militia arrived opposite the Sac village the greatest confusion reigned in their midst. George S. Miller, a resident of this county, acted as guide, and when it became known that the Indians were not in the village, General Duncan began to reprimand Miller for not letting him know that the main river was on the north side of Vandruff’s Island. Miller cursed him to his face at the head of his troops for refusing his services as a guide when offered the night before, and also censured him for not giving information…

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History of Bureau County, Illinois Title Page

Biography of William Cummings of Buda, Illinois

Thornton Cummings was a native of Virginia. When a young man he immigrated to Kentucky, and was there married to Miss Sylvia Williams, a native of Kentucky. In 1816, soon after marriage, Mr. Cummings removed to Gallatin County, Illinois, where he resided till 1834, at which time he came to Bureau County, Illinois. When he reached Hennepin, he left his family there, and in company with a Frenchman as guide he traveled over the western part of Bureau County seeking a suitable location, and as he had been reared in a timbered country French Grove suited him best on account…

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Moline Health Department

…with an efficient and competent force of men. The first order issued was for sobriety, as follows: To the employees of the health department: You are hereby notified not to frequent saloons during working hours; all employees found in saloons during working hours will be immediately discharged. By order of the health department. R. C. J. Meyer, M. D., chairman. The ordinance requires the health commissioner to set aside one hour each day during which time he may hear complaints, and transact other business in connection with the office. The hour from 2 P. M. to 3 P. M. was…

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Champaign County Farmers’ Institute

…addresses presented and discussed at its meetings. They follow: “A Four Course Vegetable Luncheon ;” “Com-fort and Beauty in the Home ;” “Common Sense in Dress ;” “Cooperation in the Business of the Home;” “Foods for Health;” “Millinery;” “Neighborhood Cooperation;” “The Underaveraged Child in the Home;” “The Farm Woman’s Birthright;” “Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables;” “Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs;” “Quick Breads;” “Salads and Sandwiches;” “The Building of a Country Home;” “The Planning of Meals.” Illinois Genealogy Source: A Standard History of Champaign County, Illinois, by J. R. Stewart, published by The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago And New York, 1918….

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Birds As Insect Destroyers

…very tolerant of man, if reasonably protected and allowed to rear their young undisturbed. “In the earlier years of the settlement of the country there did not exist the same need for watchfulness that is necessary today. “The problem of adequate food supply for the world is a part of the problem of the United States. One hundred years ago, very few men devoted even a small portion of their time to the study of insects in their relation to the food supply, or to the careful study of birds as the most effective check on the spreading of injurious…

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