A Rock Island Company
It seems the martial spirit of the citizens of Rock Island County was not stilled or satisfied by the march of the Rock River Rangers in 1831 from Fort Armstrong to the Sac village, for in 1832 we find one company enrolled in the service where every member save one was from Rock Island County, that one being a brother of the captain, and he came from Adams County to enlist under his brother. The following is from the rolls as corrected and now on file in the War Department at Washington. They all resided in Rock Island County, with the exception of Thomas Kenney, who was from Adams County.
Captain, John W. Kenney, enrolled May 20, 1832; First Lieutenant, Joseph Danforth, enrolled May 20;
Privates, Thomas Davis, en-rolled May 20; Manly Danforth, enrolled July 1; Samuel Danforth, enrolled May 20; Samuel Kenney, enrolled May 20, on furlough; Thomas Kenney, enrolled June 12: Gentry McGee, enrolled May 20; Henry McNeal, en-rolled May 20; Neel McNeal, enrolled July 1; James Maskal, enrolled May 20; Martin Smith, enrolled May 20; William H. Samms, enrolled July 1; Joel Thompson, enrolled May 20; William Thompson, enrolled May 20; Ira Wells, enrolled May 20; Eri Wells, enrolled May 20; Asaph Wells, enrolled May 20; Nelson Wells, enrolled May 20; Rannah Wells enrolled May 20; Joel Wells, Jr., enrolled May 20; Joel Wells, Sr., enrolled May 20; Luke Wells, Sr., enrolled May 20.
After being received into the United States service at Fort Armstrong, this company was assigned to Colonel Moore’s regiment and marched up Rock River to Dixon, where it was assigned to an odd mounted battalion, commanded by Major Samuel Bogart, and was ordered to do guard duty on the frontier. It was mustered out. September 4, 1832, at Macomb. The companies composing this odd battalion were: Captains Peter Butter’s of Warren County, John W. Kenney’s of Rock Island County, James White of Hancock County, John Sain’s of Fulton County, William McMurty’s of Knox County and Asel F. Ball’s of Fulton County. It is impossible to learn just what duty the battalion did to which the Rock Island company was assigned. Reynolds in “My Own Times” says: “On the 12th of June I ordered a battalion to be organized and to select their officers to guard the frontiers between the Mississippi and Peoria on the north of Illinois River. Samuel Bogart was elected major of the battalion,” From another authority. I learn that the company did guard duty on the frontier, drew its rations daily, ate heartily, played euchre and received the remunerative sum of 86 cents per day for each man and his horse. Samuel Bogart, the major of the odd battalion to which Kenney’s company was attached, was before enlistment a merchant in McDonough County.
Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908