Argillo Works

Argillo Works

Argillo Works, one of the leading industries of Rock Island County, and located at Carbon Cliff, Illinois, was incorporated in 1865 by William S. Thomas, Adoniram L. Wait and Jeremiah Chamberlin, with a capital stock of $100,000. Jeremiah Chamberlain was the first president, having been elected at the time the plant was launched, and serving four years. Mr. Chamberlin was succeeded in 1869 by Mylo Lee, who served from that time until 1896. To these two men can be attributed the success of the plant, as it was they who piloted it through from a mere experiment to a well paying investment. The succeeding presidents up until the present day have also given thoroughly capable service, and under their supervision the plant gradually increased its earning powers until now it is one of the county’s most thriving industries. In 1896 W. T. Ball became president and continued until J.’ F. Robinson was elected president in 1899. Upon the death of Mr. Robinson, his wife, Mary E. Robinson, became its president in 1903, and still holds that position. The Argillo Works manufactures clay products, principally fire brick and farm drain tile, which are widely distributed throughout the state, and in fact all parts of the United States.


City of Moline 


Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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