Roster At Fort Armstrong

Roster At Fort Armstrong

The officers and troops stationed at Fort Armstrong from August, 1819 (first return on file), until abandoned May 4, 1836, were as follows:Commanding officers: Lieutenant Colonel Willoughby Morgan, from 1819; Captain M. Marston, from August 1819 to June 1821, of Company F, Fifth Infantry; Captain S. Burbank, from June, 1821 to June, 1823, of Company D, Fifth Infantry; Major J. H. Vose, from June, 1823 to June 4, 1825, of Companies D and F, Fifth Infantry; Captain S. Burbank, from June 4, 1825 to May 21, 1826, of Companies D and F, Fifth Infantry; Major J. H. Vose from May 21, 1826 to October 9, 1827, of Companies E and H, Fifth Infantry; Captain J. Plympton, from October 9, 1827 to April 28, 1828, of Companies E and H, Fifth Infantry; Major S. Burbank, from April 28, 1828 to April 30, 1828, of Companies E and H, Fifth Infantry; Captain J. Green, from April 30, 1828 to June, 1828, of Companies C and G, Third Infantry; Captain J. S. Nelson, from June, 1828 to August 13, 1828, of Companies C and G, Third Infantry; Captain J. Green, from August 13, 1828 to July 27, 1830, of Companies C and G, Third Infantry; Captain John Bliss, July 27, 1830 to July 26, 1831, Companies D and H, Third Infantry; Captain T. J. Beall, from July 26, 1831 to September 2, 1831, of Companies C and K, First Infantry; Major John Bliss, from September 2, 1831 to May 4, 1832, of Companies C and K, First Infantry; Captain T. J. Beall, from May 4, 1832 to October 26, 1832, of Companies C and K, First Infantry; Lieutenant A. S. Miller, from October 26, 1832 to December 2, 1832, of Companies C and K, First Infantry; Captain T. F. Smith, from December 2, 1832 to June 8, 1833, of Companies G and K, First Infantry; Lieutenant Colonel W. Davenport. from June 8, 1833 to May 4, 1836, of Companies G and K, First Infantry.


Fort Armstrong 


Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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