Kampmeyer to Kinder Cemetery, Illinois

A list of all cemeteries in Illinois, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

For additional Illinois Cemetery Listings please visit AccessGenealogy  AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  USGenWeb Archives
National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database

 Kampmeyer CemeterySt. ClairFrench Village
 Kanady CemeteryGallatinShawneetown
 Kane CemeteryGreeneJerseyville North
 Kaneville CemeteryKaneBig Rock
 Kankakee Memorial GardensKankakeeKankakee
 Kappa CemeteryWoodfordEl Paso
 Karaker CemeteryUnionAnna
 Karber CemeteryHardinKarbers Ridge
 Karnes CemeteryAdamsTioga
 Karnes CemeteryMacoupinLitchfield
 Kaskaskia CemeteryRandolphKaskaskia
 Kaufman CemeteryMcLeanNormal West
 Kavanaugh CemeteryEffinghamEdgewood
 Kearney CemeteryFultonDuncan Mills
 Keasler CemeteryHamiltonBroughton
 Keck CemeterySt. ClairO’Fallon
 Keck Memorial CemeteryKendallYorkville
 Keckolie CemeteryMassacPaducah East
 Kedron CemeteryJasperLatona
 Keen CemeteryIroquoisWatseka
 Keen Chapel CemeteryClayOskaloosa
 Keens CemeteryWabashKeensburg
 Keifer CemeteryBrownMount Sterling
 Keith CemeteryAdamsMendon
 Kell CemeteryMarionIuka
 Keller CemeteryUnionLick Creek
 Keller CemeteryMoultrieLovington
 Keller CemeteryMacoupinHettick
 Keller CemeteryJerseyJerseyville North
 Kelley CemeteryColesCharleston South
 Kelley CemeteryUnionMakanda
 Kelly CemeteryRandolphEvansville
 Kemmis CemeteryHenrySpring Hill
 Kemp CemeteryHendersonGladstone
 Kemp CemeteryAdamsQuincy East
 Kemper CemeteryJerseyMedora
 Kennedy CemeteryMassacMetropolis
 Kennedy CemeteryWashingtonBeaucoup
 Kent CemeteryPikePittsfield
 Kent CemeteryStephensonKent
 Kentuck CemeteryPiattWeldon East
 Keplinger CemeteryCrawfordChauncey
 Kerley CemeteryJohnsonGlendale
 Kern CemeterySangamonWilliamsville
 Kessinger CemeteryPikePearl West
 Kettering CemeteryClarkCasey
 Kettlecamp CemeteryChristianNokomis
 Keyesport CemeteryClintonKeyesport
 Keystone CemeteryMadisonSaint Jacob
 Kibler CemeteryJasperRose Hill
 Kickapoo CemeteryColesCharleston South
 Kickasola CemeteryPopeSmithland
 Kidd CemeteryMassacMetropolis
 Kiel CemeteryMorganMeredosia
 Kightlinger CemeteryKnoxYates City
 Kilbourne CemeteryMasonKilbourne
 Kilgore CemeteryJasperYale
 Killbuck CemeteryOgleKings
 Kimmel CemeteryUnionAnna
 Kimmel CemeteryUnionJonesboro
 Kimmel CemeteryWilliamsonGoreville
 Kimmons CemeteryAdamsColumbus
 Kincaid CemeteryScottWinchester
 Kincheloe CemeteryWayneBurnt Prairie
 Kinder CemeteryMacoupinLitchfield


Cemeteries of Illinois

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