Moline Mail

Although the youngest of the newspapers of Moline, the Moline Evening Mail has, from the first, enjoyed the confidence and favor of the great mass of the people comprising Moline’s population; and with the growth of the city and suburbs the paper has increased in these attributes. Started as a Sunday morning paper in 1893, the daily edition was begun soon after-ward, induced by the growth in popularity of the Sunday edition. The first owner of the paper was the firm of Stanley and May-Messrs. T. I. Stanley and Charles E. May-and it so continued until Mr. Stanley sold his interests to W. A. Jones, and the paper continued under the firm of Jones and May. In 1902 Mr. Jones sold his half interest to J. H. McKeever, then city editor, and the firm became May and McKeever. This partner-ship was incorporated in 1903 as The Moline Mail Company, and the following directors were elected and serve at present: E. B. McKeever, J. H. McKeever, C. E. May and J. H. Holmes; the officers being as follows: president, E. B. McKeever; vice-president, J. H. Holmes; secretary-treasurer, J. H. McKeever. From the first The Mail has been independent in politics, voicing the will and the vigor of public sentiment as expressed by the people. Starting with a foot-power job press and a small type equipment, located in a cellar basement, The Mail has grown until today it occupies its own building, a fine two-story brick structure at 1420 Fifth Avenue, has a perfecting press and linotype machines, a large equipment in composing room, and a splendid, loyal and enthusiastic staff of workers in all departments. E. P. Rundquist is city editor and J. A. Logsdon is in charge of the circulation. E. B. McKeever is editor, and J. H. McKeever, business manager. The paper is now issued every week day evening, the Sunday issue having been discontinued. A job printing department is also operated in connection with the newspaper.

Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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