Moline Weekly Review-Dispatch

From June of 1867, when Captain L. M. Haverstick bought the Moline Republican and discontinued it, to November 26, 1870, Moline had no newspaper. On the date last named, Messrs. Lowe and Gilson (Frank R. Gilson, later of the Clinton, Iowa, Herald and the Benton Harbor, Michigan, Palladium, during his proprietorship of which latter paper he died) started the Moline Review. They used the printing material of the discontinued Republican. February 17, 1871, Mr. Lowe retired from the firm. Mr. Gilson continued publishing the paper till September 23, 1871, when he gave way to Kennedy and Crichton. May 1, 1872, Mr. Crichton retired and was succeeded by B. F. Tillinghast, now of the Davenport Democrat. The firm was Kennedy and Tillinghast till March 23, 1874, when Mr. Kennedy retired. Tillinghast conducted the paper alone till July 1, 1875, when he was joined by John H. Porter. February 5, 1877, Tillinghast and Porter sold the paper to R. H. Moore, later of the Ottumwa Courier. In 1878 came consolidation with the Daily Dispatch, under the management of Oliver White and his wife.

Source: Historic Rock Island County, pub. Kramer & Company, Rock Island, Illinois, 1908

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