Portrait and biographical record of Lee County

Lee County Illinois

Biography of Richard Gooch

Richard Gooch, an influential figure in Lee Center Township, was born in England in 1848 and came to America as a toddler, his family ultimately settling in Ashton. He married Sarah Hodges and they resided in Lee Center Township, involved in their community and church. Mr. Gooch, a Republican, was civically minded, notably in education, and owned a well-cultivated 430-acre farm. They had two children and lived a contented life, acknowledged for their refinement and societal contributions. This account also provided a brief family background, highlighting the Gooch and Hodges families’ journeys and their reputable life in Illinois.

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Harlow A Williamson

Biography of Harlow A. Williamson

Harlow A. Williamson, a retired farmer in Ashton and son of Samuel B. and Sybil (Delong) Williamson, was born in Vermont in 1830. He moved to Illinois at 20, initially working on farms before buying his own land. He married Emeline Starks in 1857, a native of Pennsylvania, whose parents were early settlers in Illinois. The couple settled in Bradford Township until 1889, then moved to Ashton, raising three children, Nellie, Harry, and Katie. Williamson, a steadfast Republican, held local offices including Collector, Constable, and School Director. He and his wife were active in the Presbyterian Church, enjoyed a culturally rich life in their new, elegant home.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Emrich Weishaar

Emrich Weishaar, a German native born on February 3, 1834, represented the quintessential qualities of thrift and perseverance, leading him to prosperity in the United States. After emigrating in 1866, Weishaar worked in agriculture, later amassing 419 acres of prime land. Twice married with five surviving children, he enjoyed a tranquil retired life in Ashton, esteemed for his character and social standing. Active in community affairs, Weishaar also contributed as a Highway Commissioner.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of William B. Page

William B. Page of Lee County represented the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., a global enterprise with factories in Europe and the United States, including in Dixon, Illinois, where Page managed the successful local branch. Born to pioneer settlers, Page thrived in a family distinguished for enterprise: his brother George H. Page managed the company’s growth into a multi-million dollar entity; his brother Charles A. Page gained fame as a journalist and war correspondent, later contributing to the company’s international expansion until his death; and David S. Page assisted general management in Europe. William’s own international experience in condensed milk production led to a flourishing Dixon facility. Married to Catherine Buckle, he resided in Dixon with their four children.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of William S. Brierton

Joseph Brierton, an influential pioneer, settled in Lee County’s Nachusa Township and contributed notably to its development. His son, William S. Brierton, born November 25, 1839, in Nachusa, continued the legacy, becoming a progressive farmer in Nelson Township. Possessing a well-farmed quarter-section, his land boasted modern improvements that reflected advanced agricultural methods. Joseph, originally a Pennsylvanian brewer and blacksmith, had migrated to Illinois for a better life. There, he settled, farmed, and established a smithy, living to the extraordinary age of 96. William’s first wife, Mary E. Stetler, bore him four children before her death; later, he married Anna Hewitt from Ireland. William held no religious creeds, voted for Abraham Lincoln, and remained a staunch Republican. His father’s $100,000 estate was amicably settled, showcasing the family’s unity and fiscal prudence.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of John M. Sterling

John M. Sterling was a notable figure in Nelson Township, Lee County, as a progressive farmer, dairyman, and esteemed civic official. Born on November 26, 1849, on his father’s farm in Palmyra Township, he came from a line of distinguished pioneers. His father, Maj. James Sterling, originally from Pennsylvania, was a major business figure and public servant who, after various ventures, settled in Lee County in 1847. John M. inherited his father’s business acumen and public spirit, holding local civic offices including membership on the County Board of Supervisors. He married Dora Rickey Passmore, and they had three children. Mrs. Sterling, active in the Presbyterian Church, supported her husband in maintaining their prosperous farm and welcoming home.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Jules Brechon

Jules Brechon, a French-born immigrant, was a well-regarded farmer and stock raiser in Lee County. His eighty-acre farm in South Dixon Township displayed his farming aptitude. Born to Joseph and Margaret Brechon, who emigrated from France in 1864, Jules lived in the county since he was two. He received a local education and became devoted to agriculture, improving his land with modern facilities and livestock breeds. Married to Illinois-native Margaret Ulrich, they had a daughter named Mary Margaret. Both are devout Catholics and established community members in Dixon, with Jules being a consistent Democrat. Their family was entrenched in farming and local church activities.

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Ithiel A Horton

Biography of Ithiel A. Horton

Ithiel A. Horton, a diligent farmer from Reynolds Township, Northern Illinois, prospered despite initial hardships, aided by his supportive wife. Born in 1817 in Pennsylvania, Horton was raised in a logging community and educated in subscription schools. Starting with nothing, he worked hard, eventually buying land with his brother. In 1854, Horton moved to Illinois, purchasing and enhancing a farm before losing it to poor circumstances. Undeterred, he made successful investments in Reynolds Township, where he eventually enjoyed a 200-acre fertile farm with his family. Married since 1840 to Polly Brink, they raised six children and were respected Free-will Baptist Church members. Politically, Horton was a steadfast Republican.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Moses C. Weyburn

Moses C. Weyburn had been the American Express Company agent in Dixon since 1869 and was a respected employee with over twenty-two years of service. Born to an accomplished family in Geneva, New York, in 1845, Moses received a thorough education and moved to Illinois in 1866. Some years in Rockford preceded his Dixon tenure. He had been married three times, with children from the latter two marriages, and was widowed twice. Mr. Weyburn was actively involved in the Methodist Church and several civic societies, including I.O.O.F. and the Modern Woodmen, holding leadership roles. Esteemed in his professional and social circles, Moses and his current wife Minnie were well-regarded in their community.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Chester Harrington

Chester Harrington, a respected pioneer, had been a resident of Nachusa Township since 1837. A New York native, born to Rev. Ebenezer Harrington and Paulina Doolin, he came from a line of early American settlers. Chester followed in his family’s agricultural footsteps and became a successful farmer in Lee County, Illinois. He entered wild land and transformed it into a productive farm later operated by his children. Chester married Zerna Chamberlain, with whom he had three children, and was widowed in 1891. A veteran in local politics, he held various offices and was a firm Republican. Now living a retired life, Chester enjoyed the comfortable results of his lifelong labors.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of George W. Hill

George W. Hill, Postmaster at Harmon, is a distinguished figure in his town’s public and political sphere and a successful merchant, originating from Fall River, Massachusetts. Born to George and Margaret Hill in 1848, he overcame the early death of his mother at less than three years old. Hill moved away at 12, worked various jobs including mining and carpentry, and established his general merchandise business in 1877. He self-educated in evening schools and accumulated substantial property through his business endeavors. Married to Gula Elma Porter, they have six children. An active Republican, Hill has held several public offices, including Postmaster during multiple administrations. Mrs. Hill is a Methodist Episcopal Church member, while Hill is not affiliated with any religious or secret organizations.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Charles A. Becker

Charles A. Becker was a pioneering settler in Palmyra Township, arriving in 1839 and remaining until his passing in 1859. Born in 1810 in Prussia, Charles fled compulsory military service and immigrated to the United States, where he practiced as a jeweler and clock-maker. Married to Mary Kessler, he ultimately settled in Lee County with her. Charles was an enterprising jeweler and the first in his trade west of Chicago, establishing a thriving farm which his widow later expanded. The Beckers were a well-regarded family in their community; many of their children married and settled nearby, contributing variously as farmers, soldiers, and professionals.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of John Shank

John Shank, originally from Pennsylvania, is a retired, successful landowner residing in Nachusa, Illinois. Born in 1835, he’s part of a German-origin family, with ancestors who settled early in the U.S. His grandparents, devout Mennonites, had an extensive family, and his parents lived as farmers in Lebanon County, where John was also raised. Married to Malinda Grove, the couple moved to Illinois in 1867 after starting their family in Pennsylvania. They raised five children, maintaining a close-knit family unit. A diligent farmer, John acquired significant land—830 acres across three townships, including in Iowa. Respected for his industry and integrity, Shank is a committed Republican, historically involved in local politics.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Charles F. Preston

Charles F. Preston, a notable lawyer and President of the Village Board of Trustees of Paw Paw, has significantly contributed to the development of his community. Born in 1860 in Marion Township to James H. Preston, editor of the Amboy News, and Nancy A. Maydole, Charles pursued a solid education that included attending the State Normal School and studying law at Wesleyan Law School. After teaching for two years, he was admitted to the bar in 1882 and quickly established a successful law practice. He married Ida A. Henderschott in 1886, and they have two children. Appointed Postmaster by President Cleveland, Preston also excels in civic duties and is a central figure in local politics, advocating for the growth and betterment of Paw Paw and its county.

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Col Alex P Dysart

Biography of Col. Alex. P. Dysart

Col. Alex. P. Dysart, a respected military officer and legislator, has made significant contributions to his community in Illinois. Born in Pennsylvania in 1826 to a family with noteworthy ancestors, Dysart relocated to Illinois in 1845 and became an accomplished agriculturist and stock-raiser. Holding various local offices, he was also a Civil War volunteer and was honorably discharged as a Colonel. Dysart served two terms in the General Assembly, where he was influential in agricultural policy. Widely known for his integrity in both public and private life, he had a distinguished military career and is recognized for his leadership and service. Dysart, a widower with six living children, resides in Nachusa Township, where he has created a beautiful home noted for its lush grove.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Josiah L. Gray

Josiah L. Gray’s tenure as Deputy Sheriff of Lee County, beginning in December 1890, embodies a narrative of dedication and service rooted in the heart of Dixon, where he has made his home. Born in 1844 in Ogle County, Illinois, Gray’s life journey took him from the fields of Lee Center as a farmer and skilled house-building mechanic to the battlefields of the Civil War, where he served with distinction in Sherman’s Army. His post-war years saw him contributing to community and country, including efforts to quell Indian uprisings in the West. A descendant of immigrants from Ireland and Wales, Gray’s life story is interwoven with themes of migration, labor, and military service. His deep Republican roots and active involvement in the Grand Army of the Republic highlight a lifelong commitment to civic duty and the values of perseverance and solidarity forged on the front lines and carried into peacetime pursuits.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Frank King

Frank King’s remarkable journey from a spirited youth on Staten Island to a famed ’49er and successful lumberman in Washington before settling as a distinguished farmer and stockman in Lee County in 1881, epitomizes the quintessential American dream of perseverance leading to prosperity. Born into a family of modest means, King’s adventures began with his daring move to California’s gold fields in 1849, evolving through years of hard work into a lucrative lumber business near Puget Sound. His transition to agriculture in Illinois, transforming over two hundred acres into a flourishing farm and stock haven, illustrates his enduring spirit and savvy. King’s life story, marked by self-reliance and success, serves as a testament to the possibilities that await those willing to venture beyond familiar horizons.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Charles A. Morris

Charles A. Morris, editor of the Paw Paw Herald, has crafted a distinguished career in journalism in Lee County, born in 1863 into a lineage marked by valiant contributions to American history. His ancestry spans from Revolutionary War heroes to Civil War soldiers, imbuing his work with a rich heritage of patriotism and dedication. This introduction traces Morris’s journey from his education at East Paw Paw Seminary to becoming a pivotal figure in local media by 1866, highlighting the intersection of his family’s military legacy and his own professional achievements. Through Morris’s story, we explore the enduring impact of familial history on individual pursuits and community service.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of William T. Tuttle

William T. Tuttle’s life story reads like a blueprint for success through intellect, and unwavering dedication. Born in Corning, New York, on May 9, 1846, Tuttle’s early life on a farm didn’t dampen his thirst for knowledge, which he pursued with relentless self-education. Transitioning from carpentry and sporadic teaching roles to becoming the esteemed Principal of Franklin Grove schools, his journey is a testament to the power of self-improvement and hard work. Alongside his educational contributions, Tuttle’s venture into journalism as the editor and proprietor of the Franklin Grove Reporter showcases his versatile talents and commitment to his community. This introduction celebrates William T. Tuttle’s multifaceted career, highlighting his impact as an educator, editor, and cherished member of his community, embodying the essence of a scholar and gentleman.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Loyd Burger

Loyd Burger’s life encapsulates the essence of American agricultural heritage and the enduring spirit of rural communities. Born on April 11, 1853, in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and relocating to Illinois in 1855, Burger’s journey from a young boy in Whiteside County to a successful farmer in Palmyra Township is a story of dedication and hard work. Operating a farm since 1888, Burger’s 157-acre tract stands as a testament to his commitment to the land and the agricultural lifestyle. His family history, deeply rooted in the trades and traditions brought from Pennsylvania and enriched by German descent, highlights a lineage of industrious individuals contributing to the fabric of their communities.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Joseph Tait

Joseph Tait’s story is a vivid testament to the power of perseverance and the pursuit of excellence. Born into modest circumstances in County Durham, England, on December 15, 1820, Tait’s journey from a self-reliant youth to a respected figure in Amboy, Illinois, is nothing short of inspirational. His transition from a millwright in England to a key figure in the American industrial scene, including his contributions to the building of locomotives and a significant tenure with the Illinois Central Railroad, underscores a life dedicated to industriousness and innovation. Beyond his professional achievements, Tait’s successful ventures into real estate and livestock dealing highlight a man of diverse talents and relentless drive. This introduction explores the life and legacy of Joseph Tait, whose endeavors not only enriched his community but also left an indelible mark on the agricultural and industrial landscapes of his adopted homeland.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Henry C. Brookner

Henry C. Brookner’s remarkable journey from a determined immigrant with just $4 in his pocket to a master mechanic and builder in America embodies the spirit of perseverance and ingenuity. Born in Osnabruck, Hanover, Germany, on June 15, 1827, Brookner brought his European craftsmanship to the burgeoning railroads and communities of Illinois, leaving a lasting legacy. His life, marked by ambition and skilled labor, led him from New Orleans to Dixon, Illinois, where he not only advanced his career with the Illinois Central and Big Four railways but also cultivated a life enriched with family and community service. This introduction explores the life of Henry C. Brookner, a man whose contributions were foundational to the infrastructure and spirit of his adopted homeland, and whose personal narrative is a testament to the impact one individual can have on the fabric of American society.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of William H. Fiscel

In the heart of Lee County, Illinois, William H. Fiscel (1832-1889) epitomized the pioneering spirit of the 19th century. Born in Adams County, Pennsylvania, into a lineage of diligent farmers, Fiscel ventured to Lee County in 1849, laying down roots that would flourish across generations. Alongside his wife, Elizabeth Stambaugh (1846-?), and their children, Fiscel transformed a humble government tract into a prosperous family homestead, demonstrating unwavering perseverance and commitment to the agricultural development of his chosen land. This introduction retraces the journey of William H. Fiscel and his family, from their early Pennsylvania origins to their enduring legacy in Illinois, offering a glimpse into the life of a man whose efforts helped shape the landscape of rural America.

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Thomas H Stetler

Biography of Thomas H. Stetler, M.D.

Dr. Thomas H. Stetler, a distinguished physician and esteemed community leader in Paw Paw, Lee County, Illinois, exemplifies the profound impact a dedicated individual can have on both the medical field and society. Born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Stetler embarked on his medical journey with passion, culminating in his graduation from the Chicago Medical College in 1876. Beyond his successful practice, Stetler’s involvement in social, political, and medical organizations underscores his commitment to progress and excellence. His life, enriched by his marriage to Libbie Rosenkrans and their child, Orla Nettie, mirrors the ideals of service and community engagement, making his story a beacon for aspiring professionals in any field.

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Lee County Illinois

Biography of Mrs. Catherine E. Aschenbrenner

In the heart of Bradford Township, Catherine E. Aschenbrenner (née Reinhart, 1832, Germany) stands as a testament to perseverance and success in early American settlement. Emigrating from Germany in 1845, Catherine and her family laid roots in Illinois, where she later became a notable figure in the community through her marriages to Oman Hillison and John J. Aschenbrenner. With a legacy spanning across continents and generations, her story encapsulates the challenges and triumphs faced by immigrants forging new lives in America. Her estate, a beacon of her industrious spirit, reflects not just personal achievement but the broader narrative of immigrant success in the 19th century.

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